Imagine you need to hear something uplifting. Let’s say you listen to Pharrell Williams singing Happy. By the time the song is over, your mood changes and you become happy.

The singer has something special that enables him to share happiness with others. It’s the melody and the way he expresses himself that shifts one’s mood.

To create a song, it’s necessary to work the plan when the feeling is there and when it isn’t. Weaknesses will try to stand in the way. That’s when discipline comes on the scene. We need strength for discipline. 

Have you tried to discipline yourself but it didn’t work in a certain area of your life? No one can do everything well. There are areas we are not gifted. You can try to sing like Pharrell Williams but it may not work. Don’t compare your strength to his.

I’m sure Pharrell Williams worked so hard behind the scene to produce the song Happy. Yet, because he has the major ingredient he needs when he uses his gift, it seems effortless when we listen or watch him.

To get something done, a person needs discipline.

“Discipline is inevitable. It’s necessary for our every day life.”

When it gets hard to self-discipline, I like to believe in something greater than our own strength.  It’s grace. Grace is available by faith. It’s the extraordinary strength added to your own.

Grace is available to you to develop your gift. Maybe you’re great at what you do. No matter how strong you are, there’s still room for growth. When one’s gift is used with grace, it’s noticeable.

When things get tough, remember the big picture of why you do what you do. This will help you get the tasks done.

 “Your level of strength depends on your assignment.”

Your strength depends on the level of commitment too. The stronger your commitment to your assignment, the stronger you will be.

Don’t wear yourself out to be who you weren’t born to be. Instead, be diligent at being who you were born to be. Accept who you are.  Grow and use your gift and life will be easier and there will be a better outcome.

Share the method you use to discipline yourself. What works for you and what doesn’t work?

Thank you darkmoon1968 for this picture.