Discover what can make a difference in the strength of your vision

Why some people can focus on their vision whether it’s related to their fitness goal or else while others can’t? While some don’t work towards their fitness, everyone wants to be fit. To get to the fitness point, a person has to handle the process of working at getting fit. Through that process, the plan works only when the person doesn’t give up. There should be a way not to give up, so how?

How to be true to yourself

An example 

The first question to ask is can I exercise regularly? Many would answer, ‘It’s too hard.’ Or ‘The levels of the classes available at the gym are too high for me.’ ‘I don’t have enough time.’ ‘I don’t feel like it.’ Or there will be other responses to this question. All these reasons are true. Any response is the truth to whoever believes it. So, if this is your truth, let’s call it as it is, it’s an excuse. Unless a person has an injury, which requires rest from physical exercise, why should one find an excuse? Yes, there could be other exceptions which are valid reasons for not exercising. However, for those who really want to exercise, they’ll find a way. How about walking for 20 minutes around the block?

Most of us make excuses when we don’t want to do something. Let’s face the excuse. The reason one finds an excuse to avoid doing something is because it’s not important enough.  

Let’s discover how you can make something happen in your life if you’ve found ‘excuses’ for years.

Let’s expose the excuse. If feeling to exercise is not there, we need to find a solution to deal with the feeling. It becomes easier to defeat that excuse if you tell yourself the truth. You don’t want to hide behind anything.

Why this will help you keep your vision alive

This 3 letter word ‘why’

There are various ways to set goals that matter to us. Let’s take the example of staying fit. First find the reason you need to be fit. Tell yourself, I want to be fit because I want to stay healthy, or I want to look toned, or I need to regulate my weight or whatever reason you can find. Here if you do your homework, think through why you really want to exercise, you’ll find out why. This ‘why’ is important. Why do you do what you do?

You can do this exercise to help you get other things you want out of life.

For example, to capture your God-given vision, find out what you want to do and ‘why’. List every possible thing you desire to do. Then, choose your why. Which option is the best of all? Once you find the cause for your vision, choose the vision that’s always been in your heart provided it’s within God’s will. If you know this is the God-given vision for your life, make it happen. You will then find your place in life. When you find your place, you will know about it.

You can create your place and make things fall into place.

Make use of what you already have 

What to do with this

Develop your gift. You don’t need all the skills required to start with. Start with where you’re at. If your gift is already well developed, go for the growth. You’re now positioned to fight for the cause you want to. This cause is precious to you. You want to make a difference; impacting lives.

 What can help you not give up

You can build this strength

When things get tough don’t give up.

When you know why you do what you do, you’ll have the courage to face adversity. It’s not a question if you face adversity; it’s just how you will face it when it happens. No one walks on ‘red carpet’ every day. You will have enough strength to fight what’s coming against you. You won’t be fighting to find your place. You’re fighting for a cause. That cause will be so worth it you’ll be willing to defeat the difficulties that come your way.


Not everyone is born with boldness. Many people are shy. They don’t want to share their beliefs in case they get frowned upon. However, when you find your place in life, you focus on what should be. You’re working at seeing change somewhere. The reason behind the desire to see change should be strong enough to give you boldness. You become bold enough to do what you set out to do. The only thing you don’t want to do is to step on other people’s toes so you get all that you want at any price.

Stay faithful to your vision.

Wrapping it up

Once you find your cause for why you do what you do, you become more enthusiastic. You can then face challenges with courage. You’ll get more value out of life as you live by faith. It will be easier to stay faithful to your vision, what you want to get done will happen.

Nothing will stand in your way.

ACTION: Think about your vision â€“ what you really want out of life. If you’ve never done this exercise, take a pen and paper to write down a list of what you want out of life. What is the cause for your vision? Find a good cause that is worth fight for.

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